All Recent Update About Roshan Gharana Scheme Registration Procedure and Eligibility Criteria 

Energy crises provide a significant barrier to prosperity in any region. Punjab, Pakistan’s second most populated province, must rapidly solve its energy needs. The majority of Punjab’s population lives in urban areas, accounting for 40.7% of Pakistan’s urban population. The demand for power in Punjab is extremely strong, particularly among companies and homes.

Energy Crisis in Punjab

Punjab has been experiencing severe energy shortages since the 1970s. During the early years, the electrical supply only met 32% of demand. Recently, this difference has grown even wider, resulting in regular blackouts. These blackouts have had a significant impact on the industrial sector, delaying economic expansion.

Details of the Roshan Gharana Scheme

The Roshan Gharana Scheme would provide solar panels to homes who use up to 500 units of power. Maryam Nawaz Sharif authorized the proposal, and the Punjab Cabinet gave its final approval. The plan intends to offer solar energy to both urban and rural areas, guaranteeing equitable distribution.

Financial Details of the Project

The Roshan Gharana Scheme is an ambitious and major undertaking. The government will fund 90% of the cost of the solar panels, leaving the remaining 10% to be paid by beneficiaries. This makes the project more inexpensive and trustworthy for the people of Punjab. The primary purpose is to alleviate the energy crisis and reduce electricity prices. The solar panel payment plan is five years long and has low interest rates. During the winter, the payment amount will be reduced, making it more affordable.

Application Procedure

Roshan Gharana Scheme Registration

Families interested in installing solar panels will be prioritized based on their electricity consumption. The first 450,000 families will receive solar panels with flexible installment options. To apply, consumers must send their electricity bill reference number and ID card number to the toll-free number 8800. Following enrollment, solar panels will be placed via a lottery mechanism. Winners will pay 25% of the initial cost to the government through the National Bank of Pakistan and the Bank of Punjab. There will be no interest on the 25% sum. The remaining payment will be added in the electricity bill over a five-year period. The installation will take place during September and October.

Accountability of Electricity Units

Solar panels will be distributed fairly, with preference given to underprivileged and rural families. This proposal intends to balance government-provided energy with solar panels, reducing overall demand for traditional electricity sources. The goal is to establish a self-sufficient energy-producing region that benefits both the government and the people of Punjab.

Eligibility Criteria

Families that use up to 50 units of power will receive a 500-watt solar panel. Those using 50 to 100 units will receive a 1-kilowatt solar panel. Users who consume 200-300 units will be eligible for a 1100-watt solar panel; 300-400 unit users will receive a 1650-watt panel; and 500-unit users will receive a 2200-watt panel. Only homes with a single energy meter and those who do not receive government assistance through programs such as the Benazir Income Support Program are eligible.

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