Breaking News: NAVTTC Launches Skills Training Voucher For BISP Beneficiaries

The NAVTTC Skill Training Voucher Program has been developed to provide a brighter future for BISP program participants. An MoU has been signed between the National Vocational and Technical Training Council and the BISP initiative. A strong framework will be built between NAVTTC and the Benazir Income Support Programme to undertake a skill training program.

So that its advantages can be passed on to recipients of the Benazir Income Support Programme. The primary goal of this program is to provide family members who participate in the BISP Program with access to high-quality technical and vocational education. As a result, NAVTTC and BISP have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish this initiative through collaboration and dedication to mutual aims.

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Key Features Of Skills Training Voucher Program

Benazir Income Support Program and NAVTTC have announced that they will provide a variety of courses and graduate programs through the Skilled Development and Vocational Training Program. To the families and children of BISP Kafalat recipients. The BISP program’s recipients will be able to find work and use their abilities to ensure a brighter future for their families.

As a result, Dr. Amjad Saqib, Chairperson of the BISP, and Zulfkar Ahmed, Executive Director of the NAVTTC, signed a Memorandum. Understand the conclusion of the Skill Training Voucher Program at BISP Headquarters. I stressed that I will begin this program as soon as feasible.

LaunchNAVTTC and BISP collaboration.
BeneficiariesBISP Kafalat families.
OfferingsVocational and technical courses.
GoalImprove job prospects for BISP recipients.

NAVTTC Registration And Traning Planing

BISP and NAVTTC determine the program’s financial requirements, trade priority, training duration, and number of users to be trained before it begins. In this regard, a committee has been formed to determine when the Skill Training program registration will begin, and training will be delivered to members of BISP users.

So, if you continue to browse our website, you will be able to find out more about the registration eligibility conditions and other details. In addition, if you have not yet signed up for the BISP Kafalat program. So register as soon as possible and take advantage of the opportunity to improve your work prospects by training your family members through the NAVTTC program.

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BISP program participants seeking a brighter future and new job chances. So, let’s inform them that the BISP program has introduced the NAVTTC Skill Training Program for these users. Under this program, household members of eligible recipients of the BISP Kafalat program will receive training in a variety of programs. They will be able to get better jobs and provide for their family. So, become eligible for the BISP program as soon as feasible. Train in this program to improve your future.

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