The Punjab government, under Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, has launched a new program called “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar.” This scheme is designed to help people in Punjab build their own homes by offering them financial support. The program aims to make housing more affordable for everyone in the province, especially for those who may not have the means to buy or build a home on their own.
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Feature | Details |
Loan Amount | Up to Rs1.5 million |
Repayment Period | 7 years |
Application Process | Through PITB portal or toll-free number (080009100) |
Area Coverage | Urban: 5 marlas, Rural: 10 marlas |
Interest-Free Loans for Home Construction
One of the key features of the “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar” scheme is the offer of interest-free loans. These loans can be as much as Rs1.5 million. This amount is significant and can go a long way in helping people construct a house. The loan is repayable over a period of 7 years, making it easier for people to manage their finances. The loans are available for constructing houses on plots of up to five marlas in urban areas and up to ten marlas in rural areas. This ensures that both city dwellers and villagers can benefit from the scheme.
Simple Application Process
Applying for the “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar” loan is straightforward. The Punjab government has made the process easy so that more people can take advantage of this opportunity. Citizens can apply for the loans through the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) portal. If they need more information or assistance with the application, they can also call the toll-free number 080009100. This makes the process accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical knowledge or internet access.
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Key Benefits of the Scheme
The “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar” scheme offers several benefits:
- Interest-free loans of up to Rs1.5 million.
- Loans are repayable over 7 years.
- Available for urban and rural areas.
- Easy application process through the PITB portal or a toll-free number.
Solar Program and Energy Relief
In addition to the housing scheme, the Punjab government is planning to introduce the province’s largest solar program next year. This initiative aims to reduce energy costs for consumers and promote sustainable energy use. Along with this, PML-N President Nawaz Sharif announced a Rs14-per-unit reduction on electricity bills for consumers who use between 200 and 500 units per month. This reduction will apply to the bills for August and September. However, it is important to note that this benefit is only available to residents of Punjab.
Key Features | Details |
Loan Amount | Up to Rs1.5 million |
Repayment Period | 7 years |
Application | Through PITB portal or toll-free number |
Area Coverage | Urban: 5 marlas, Rural: 10 marlas |
Political Reactions
The announcement of the Rs14-per-unit reduction in electricity bills has caused some controversy. The PPP-led Sindh government, which is an ally of the PML-N government at the federal level, expressed discontent with this decision. The reason is that the benefit is limited only to Punjab, which may lead to feelings of unfairness in other provinces. This highlights the challenges of managing provincial and federal relations in a way that is seen as equitable by all regions.
The “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar” program is a significant step toward providing affordable housing in Punjab. With interest-free loans and an easy application process, the scheme is likely to benefit many people across the province. The introduction of a solar program and the reduction in electricity bills further demonstrate the Punjab government’s commitment to improving the living standards of its residents.
Q1: Who is eligible for the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme?
A: Residents of Punjab looking to build a house on a plot of up to five marlas in urban areas or ten marlas in rural areas are eligible.
Q2: How much can I borrow under this scheme?
A: You can borrow up to Rs1.5 million through an interest-free loan.
Q3: How do I apply for the loan?
A: You can apply through the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) portal or by calling the toll-free number 080009100.
Q4: What is the repayment period for the loan?
A: The loan is repayable over a period of 7 years.